Who are we?

ECORIGINE comes from the contraction of "ecology" and "origin". In the name, we wanted to convey certain values that are important to us, such as respect for our environment but also for the people who work the land.

After a long and rich experience at the head of the trading companies Armajaro Côte d'Ivoire and Ivory Cashew Nuts (Processing of cashew nuts), I decided in 2021 to lead a personal project oriented towards sustainability and eco responsibility, by creating ECORIGINE, a  cocoa bean export company. In December 2022, Ecorigine has joined FCC (Federation of Cocoa Commerce) as a Membership Category – Associate.

The heart of our strategy is to build a real partnership with the farmers, grouped in cooperatives in areas that respect the Ivorian forest cover and do not use children in the plantations. Our ambition is to become one of the major players in sustainable agribusiness in Côte d'Ivoire. Sustainability and respect for the environment and society are essential to our business, and we make them a priority..

Our values

• Eco-responsible
• Integrity
• Respect of our commitments
• Entrepreneurship and innovation
• Ambition
• Respect and well-being of our teams

Our stategy

In order to obtain perfect Traceability and to ensure a supply of beans from authorized plantations, ECORIGINE works with the growers and has built a supply strategy at the very heart of the plantations.
ECORIGINE is not simply an exporter of cocoa beans but a player who contributes to making cocoa cultivation sustainable.

Image ministre

Our team

A young, dynamic, experienced and very operational team that works closely with our cooperative partners. Concerning our supplies and our sustainability programs, a team structured in Eastern and Western zones for a better monitoring of our traceability.

For shipments, we have a dedicated team that takes care of all the steps from the shipping instruction to the reception of the Bill of lading (BL) by our customers.

Image notre équipe

Organizational chart

Organizational chart