

At ECORIGINE we have acquired an essential tool to succeed in offering traceable cocoa to our partners; It is the software "Farm Force", an ERP solution that allows us to manage our traceability from the plantation to sale to our customers. This tool Farm Force guarantees the origin of our supplies from cooperatives that respect our environment, particularly classified forests, and do not use children in the exploitation of plantations.


In many regions of Côte d'Ivoire, we are engaged in actions to support growers and their environment to make it more sustainable. All our suppliers are committed, through an ethical charter of good conduct, to strict compliance with environmental protection practices through the maintenance of our classified forests but also respect for human beings with an important component on the protection of childhood by banning child labor and human trafficking. We are Rain Forest, Fairtrade certified and already prepare African ARS standards. ECORIGINE supports its cooperatives partners through social actions : donations and aid to village communities living around the plantations.

As part of its policy of supporting sustainability, the ECORIGINE company donated materials and e...

The day after the materials and equipment handover ceremony in Duékoué, Ecoorigine continued its...

Ecorigine began the 2022/2023 campaign by financing the KLAN cooperative for the acquisition of m...

As part of its sustainability programs, Ecorigine has financed for the KLAN cooperative located i...