Our products


We source our supplies from the 13 cocoa producing regions of Côte d'Ivoire. We place particular emphasis on the quality of our supplies from growers and cooperatives. We educate our partners cooperatives on quality criteria such as FFA, cocoa related matter in order to provide our customers with quality beans.
We have a supply capacity through our cooperative network of approximately 30,000 tons, with more than 15,000 growers.



We have a network of coffee producing cooperatives in the west production area: Man, Duekoue but also in the center of the country: Zuenoula, and we are able to provide our customers with Ivorian Robusta coffee.


Raw cashew nuts

Ecorigine has built a network of cashew cooperative with perfect traceability in the main production regions. We have a capacity of more than 10,000 tonnes through our cooperatives. Our cashew cooperatives are formed to treat and provide quality nuts.

Raw cashew nuts